ponedeljek, 04. marec 2024

ODDAJ PODPORO predlogu Zakona za urejanje položaja študentov (ZUPŠ-2)

Ob še vedno naraščajočih stroških študija in študijskega življenja je visokošolska izobrazba mladim v Sloveniji vse manj dostopna. Visoki stroški prehrane, bivanja in prevoza, višanje študijskih stroškov ter štipendije, ki ne zagotavljajo dovolj prihodkov za osredotočen študij, predstavljajo vse večjo oviro za doseganje visoke izobrazbe in boljšo zaposlitev v prihodnosti. 

Zakon za urejanje položaja študentov ZUPŠ-2 študentom in dijakom namenja 19 ukrepov v skupni vrednosti 35 milijonov EUR letno, ki jih ne bo potrebno plačati njihovim staršem ali jih ne bodo morali zaslužiti sami. Skupaj lahko ustvarimo boljšo prihodnost za študentsko skupnost in družbo kot celoto.

Mladi, čas je za akcijo! #kajpami 

ODDAJ PODPORO predlogu Zakona za urejanje položaja študentov (ZUPŠ-2) na:  www.kajpami.si ali osebno na kateri izmed informacijskih točk. 

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SUPPORT for the proposed Law on the Regulation of the Status of Students (ZUPŠ-2). 

Students, submit your support for the proposed Law on the Regulation of the Status of Students (ZUPŠ-2). The proposal includes changes that also affect international students in Slovenia!

What are the main highlights of the proposal?

  • Increase of subsidies student meals to 5.17 EUR
  • Extension of subsidy utilization period from 00:00 to 24:00
  • Subsidy for student meals for each calendar day
  • Increase in scholarship amounts for students from border areas (ethical Slovenians outside kin state)
  • Increase in the minimum gross hourly rate for student work
  • In the procedure of obtaining a residence permit for high school and college students who have been educated in Slovenia, the education period is counted in full time (not halved)

With the ongoing rise in the costs of studying and student life, higher education is becoming increasingly less accessible to young people in Slovenia. High costs of food, accommodation, and transportation, along with rising tuition fees and scholarships that do not provide sufficient income for focused study, pose a growing obstacle to achieving higher education and better employment prospects in the future. The Law on the Regulation of the Status of Students (ZUPŠ-2) allocates 19 measures worth 35 million EUR annually to students and high school students in Slovenia, which will not need to be paid by their parents or earned by themselves. Proposed measures include foreign students in Slovenia. 

Together, we can create a better future for the student community and society as a whole.

SUBMIT YOUR SUPPORT for the the proposed Law on the Regulation of the Status of Students (ZUPŠ-2) at www.kajpami.si or in person at one of the information points.

Share the news with your friends, tag us in posts, use #kajpami #whataboutus and don't let yourself be overlooked!

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